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  • 2021

    03.02. The 5th CEO of united organization, Kim Yung-Duk is appointed
  • 2020

    05.26. Opening GNCEP in Gimhae
    11.24. Opening GNCKL, GNWC, Gyeongnam Copyright Center in Changwon
  • 2019

    08.21. Opening Gyeongnam Artist Welfare Center in Changwon
    10.04. Designated as base organization of content industry
    10.08. Opening MUSISIS(Gyeongnam Music Creation Place) in Gimhae
    10.28. Opening West-Gyeongnam Artist Welfare Center in Jinju
  • 2018

    03.13. Holding the opening ceremony of Hapcheon office
    04.30. Designated as agency of career experience for educational donation(Webtoon creating place)
    10.24. The 4th CEO of united organization, Yoon Chi-Won was appointed
  • 2017

    04.26. The 3rd CEO of united organiztion, Lee Sung-Ju
    11.23. Relocating the main office from Changwon to Hapcheon
  • 2016

    10.05. Opening the cutural space, 'Pulmu' in Changwon
  • 2015

    04.26. The 2nd CEO of united organization, Jang Hyo-Ik was appointed
    06.17. Designated as the organization that trains pro activist of local culture
  • 2014

    03.05. Designated as the organization of supporting a korean traditional music artist&instructor
  • 2013

    04.26. The 3rd CEO, Ko Yeong-Jo was appointed
    06.01. Legislating a law to establish Gyeongnam Culture and Arts Foundation(GCAF)
    07.01. Launching 'GCAF'(The 1st CEO of united organization, Ko yeong-Jo
          (Gyeongnam Arts Foundation + Gyeongnam Culture&Content Foundation)
  • 2012

    02.25. Designated as arts education center in Gyeongnam
    03.09. Designated as 'M-nuri(cultural voucher)' hosting organization in Gyeongnam
    05.16. Organizing 'Cultural Education Team'
    05.31. Opening Gyeongnam Arts Creation Center in Sancheong
  • 2011

    05.11. Launching Gyeongnam Culture&Content Foundation
    05.23. Organizing 'Arts Policy Team'
    06.07. The 2nd CEO, Jeon Jeong-Hyo was appointed
  • 2010

    03.23. Launching Gyeongnam Arts Foundation (The 1st CEO, Lee Man-Gi)
  • 2007

    12. Formulating a basic policy for establishing a foundation

58, Hangni 1-gil, Deokgok-myeon, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-55-230-8600 FAX : +82-55-230-8699 Copyright© 2018 GYEONGNAM FOUNDATION FOR ART CULTURE. All Rights Reserved